BM BASICS’ product offering is composed of only the best-in-class or best-in-market products from market-leading manufacturers across the globe. Our products come with the guarantee of full local and international support where needed. BM BASICS commits to do its utmost best to make service support, spare parts, and consumables for all units purchased from us available on a timely manner.
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Analysis does not end with microscopes, and LECO’s image analysis software offers solutions for high-performance metallurgical examination, research & development, and quality control.

After a metallographic sample has been mounted, grinding and polishing creates a flat and even surface. Any potential residue from the mounting process or damage from the sectioning process are ground off to expose the actual microstructure of [...]

A mount is a lab-created object used to hold a sample - usually as a thick, flat disc of a uniform shape and size. It is created by embedding the sample in a mounting material, which is then cured to harden around the sample. The mount is then [...]

The proper metallographic preparation of a sample often has five or six steps. The first step is sectioning. A thorough analysis does not require the entire part, but rather, just a representative sample. Sectioning the component in question b [...]

The MQC+ benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyser measures oil, water, fluorine and solid fat in a variety of samples and is typically used for quality assurance and quality control. It also measures the physical properties of materi [...]

Mecmesin's Texture Analyzers allow users to simulate any interaction with food, cosmetics or pharmaceutical products and measure the physical sensory experience. Control production, ensure quality and optimise processing.

LECO's TGA801 enables fast and safe determination of Moisture, Ash, Volatile Content, and Loss-on-Ignition... all in a single run!
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